My story starts with holding my brand new C-type battery flashlight back in the 80's. It was big. I specially remember holding it over my shoulder running around and light people in the face with it, laughing. Just like my dad, with his Super 8 camera. It was enjoyable times.

One of my drawings made at my dad's office desk actually made it to my kindergarten anniversary sweaters.

A small success.


How do you know if you are creative?

My simple answer to that is, If you're doing something creative, how can you not be?


How do you know if you are a success?

 Why do you need to measure your creativity?

Maybe we have learned to be within a box of something other people see as something responsible, safe and create income.

"Success" was definitly not created by creativity.

It is more likely to have been developed by needs to control others,

To stop people from doing something they don't see the purpose of.

If someone is creating because they like it and some other people enjoy it after, I call that success.


 I create and am a creative sucsess.


My main creative skill today is used to solve engineering issues, analyse and create new solutions.
As you might know, corporate life and creativity don't always mix as the control measures are high and the complexity high.
Creativity based on complexity is a real money maker, but hard to explain simple in today's stock and money based world.

So I I'm not ready to stop creativity after my day job.
Sometimes I almost burst to unleash it.

If you enjoy my art some of it will be available for purchase, sign up for my newsletter to get updates.
I'm currently not set up for international shipping, but I will look into it on request.

Located in Kristiansand, Norway, Europe


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